Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Day 23

23 days of blogging. 23 years of living. I will soon turn 24. Sigh. But it's still better than turning 25. I actually have friends who turn 25 this year. It's kinda scary.

I saw a Kingfisher on the TV antenna of the next building this morning. In between gulping porridge (my daily breakfast -- preferred b'cause it's convenient) and hunting for the green comb, I had to take the cupboard key out of the pouch in my bag, open the drawer, take out the camera and click this blue wonder. Here are two pics (the same pic actually). Sadly, I could not zoom in any more than this:

I guess I'm not much of a photographer. The bird looked much prettier in real life. Also, I'm not even sure that it is a Kingfisher. Do let me know if you happen to know what it is. The body is almost electric blue (if that helps).

Life at office has been cold today. I was sitting at Shreya's comp today with the blast being directly over my head. I shivered through most of today even while most other Kolkatans were complaining about the heat.

I really have to finish that Grisham book today. Have been falling asleep with my nose in it for three nights running. How embarrassing to be reading a pulpy book for so long. Sheesh! It's a good read though.

Note: Ma read my earlier post this morning and was aghast at being made the villain of the piece. To be fair, she merely did not want me to finish up most of the grapes (as I am wont to do) before the sister got her fruit salad ready for school.

This being a not-terribly-exciting day, I will sign off at this point.


What's In A Name ? said...

Right on time again for the 1st comment! :)

Thats our paati maachh-rangaa!

and considering that you were enjoying the blast of the ac when we were being fried alive today......

more 'tiktikis and kakra-bichhes' for you !!!! :D

p.s - sent u a gtalk add request. u noticed ?

~Moo-lah Buz!nezzz~ said...

Its just a drab life sounds exciting..!!!

onnesha said...

yeye.that be a kingfisher.there are some in our locality.arent they pretty?
and yes being 24 does sound scary.thakfully i have three more years to prepare myself for it:)aah happiness.

dreamy said...

that be a very pretty pakhi and also a very pretty chhobi! :)

Llama said...

Are you trying to be the first commenter? :P

So I was right about the kingfisher/maachraanga business.

Why are you sending me more tiktikis!!!??? :( I will stand in the sun for an hour tomorrow afty if you promise not to send 'em to me. (I won't... just said it for the effect).

PS: Didn't get the add request, but added you anyway.

@ Moo
I seem to have a talent for that :D

@ Onnesha
Thank you (heartfelt) for confirming that it's a kingfisher.
And thank you (sarcastic) for making me feel ancient!

@ Dreamy
That is a very pretty paakhi. I wish I could have taken a more life-like chhobi.