Friday, May 16, 2008

Day 31 and TGIF

A 31-day month since I started posting. Nice. And Thank God It's Friday. I just get the Saturday off, but beggars have to make do with whatever they can get their hands on. From next week, I'm off on Thursdays.

Today was a good day. Tiring, but not as long. Met Ma for soup and Chilli Pork Roast. How I love the day before a holiday. The holiday itself is not as good as waiting for it to arrive. Aaah.. the joy of opekkha...

Had a very heehee-type day in office. This guy (the one who brings the biscuits) brings his whole cupboard in his bag. Yes -- the bag is actually an almari in disguise. Not only does he carry biscuits and ajwain, but also a big, fat newspaper (despite working in a media house which is overflowing with newspapers anyway... and then too... he subscribes to the competitor!!!), a big, black umbrella, an oily tiffin box, a shirt or two, pens, pencils, a folder, a packet for the tiffin box, a packet for the big, black umbrella if it gets wet in the rain (and it's summer now), and so much more. We've planned to have show-and-tell at office one of these days so that we can learn more about the portable-cupboard-cum-bag of his.

I have cracked a few good situational jokes over the last few days for a change. Usually I have a stock of PJs to harrass well-meaning people with.

Today's been a hot day, and the sudden gust of wind threatening a storm hasn't brought any rain and the city is still sultry (not in a good way). But I did see this old man very happily drinking cold Coca Cola through a white straw. It was a Kodak moment, but as usual, my camera was sitting in the drawer of my cupboard.

Ooooh... I'm listening to Marathi after ages: "Tumcha call hold var ghyunar rahet ahe. Kripya line var raha." (I'm on hold while talking to a friend from Pune... the Marathi I typed may be wrong.)

Off hold now, and on conference call with friend who's getting engaged and another who has never had even an inkling of a boyfriend. This is such fun!


onnesha said...

"This guy (the one who brings the biscuits) brings his whole cupboard in his bag".

you have guys who bring you biscuits?oh wow.i suddenly want to join work.not really for the biscuits.but the whole imagery of a guy virtually carrying an almirah to office everyday suddenly seemed too appealing.

coffee stain said...

finally guy she is into.....(i mean onn).... is this conscience ki tactical comment..... that i want to know :P
but i mean....i'd like to see some like that too......

What's In A Name ? said...

Pass on the PJs plz. My stocks are so so very depleted these dayz.

Llama said...

@ Onn
He brings biscuits for the whole team. And he once brought mishti doi also... and he travels by train!!

@ Coffee
Koto harrass korchish bechara meye-ta-ke :P

But my PJs are very situational. Very. Very.

causticji said...

Was that a pleasant feeling, hearing Marathi? I'm hoping it wasn't - have a good time away from here while it lasts :|

Llama said...

Hearing Marathi was a pleasant feeling actually. Very very pleasant. And it seems like I'm not going to be back there in a while... You know what they say about "absence making the heart grow fonder."