Sunday, August 3, 2008


It exists. In raindrops. In old diary pages. In deleted SMSes. In long-forsaken crow nests. In dreams that come alive in the most unexpected ways. In silly blogposts that aren't quite sure what they want to say.

Peter Pan isn't the only one spending time with fairies. And Santa Clauses roam the world with or without their red-nosed reindeer. Hippopotamuses may not wear pink tutus in forest reserves unlike the hip hippos in Fantasia, but who's to say they don't get jiggy with it once all the safari-loving folk have returned to their hotel rooms?

Magic lives on. Outside of Harry Potter and Mary Poppins and fairy tale witches, wizards and enchantresses, occupying unspoken words that find expression at the oddest interesections of time and place.


coffee stain said...

aye.... although am not so sure about the magic.... but voodoo lives on... i know..... i do

Aphrodite said...

hihi..i believe in magic toooo :)

~Moo-lah Buz!nezzz~ said...


dreamy said...


Madhurima said...

awwww! n magic exists in this post of urs as well. felt so good to read it!

Llama said...

@ Coffee
Long live the voodoo.

@ Aphrodite

@ Moo
Hocus focus!

@ Dreamy

@ Madz
Aww. I lowe u. :-*