Saturday, September 27, 2008

Finding answers

The most unlikely people end up telling you what you most need to hear. A good thing too. For when answers come from unexpected sources, you sit up and take notice. When it comes from Mommy-Baba-Uncle-Shunkle, it just doesn't register.

I'm not in a bloggy mood somehow. I was, say half an hour back, but the entire thought flow has gone and got lost. So tonight's blog ends with this thought:

It's not the end. It's never the end.

[The following was added 5 seconds later. After the first speedy comment made it's way here...]

But as you know now, it's never the end. So here's an interesting tidbit...

Khosla Electronics' special Puja offers that let you buy 17000-rupee LCD TVs for EMIs as low as Rs.600 per month are not extended to police-folk, lawyers, and (hold-your-breath) poor, cash-starved journos. Yes. And that info's straight from the boss's mouth.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Adventure postponed

Passport adventure postponed to Monday. Hopefully, given that it's Mahalaya and all, the office will remain open then. I would appreciate some company if anyone likes standing in queue from 4.30 in the morning. :D (Notice the winning smile)

I think I'll spend the rest of the morning reading. Eye issues still persist, couldn't meet the doc yesterday. Sigh. Chaap e chaap. Will somebody exchange lives with me for a few days please?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sigh of relief

Been stressed and worried and really really stressed and worried of late. Thankfully, I was mostly worried about a-little-more-than-nothing, and am heaving many sighs of relief just about now. The moral of the story is: DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. I will probably start procrastinating once again when this sudden bout of worry disappears into the carbon monoxides of time... but for the time being, I will be a good kid, and do all my work on time. I have to stand in line at passport office really early tomorrow morning. Pray that I get my token asap.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Latest story

Here's my newest story. For a change, I'm quite happy with this one: Saved by the off-screen Bachchan

I have an eye infection so am avoiding the comp at home for a while. I wish I could avoid the one at work too :'(

Will return with a big bang once the eye issues clear up.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Boss bastion

I caught my boss watching Love Guru when he should have been working. Taking advantage of the big boss' being away and having passed most of the work to us, his poor cursed subordinates, he had happily put on his headphones and was watching Guru Pitka impart his copyrighted knowledge to all who will listen. And having seen him watching the movie, I did what I do best -- practice diplomacy by offering him a mini-review of the film.

Being a boss is a good job. You don't have to work. If you're sincere, you just make a show of doing a lot of work. And that's all you need.

Sometime ago this same boss had dozed off, with his head half under the monitor. Us giggly subordinates had tiptoed all the way to his work station to check out the scene.

And he's not the only one. Soon after this dozing off session, we spotted the big boss with his head down on his table. A colleague went over to ask him something, and he raised his head, eyes red with sleep. Of course, this boss works kinda hard, so a nap is forgivable in this case.

There's this other loudmouth senior chap in the office. Thankfully, he isn't our boss and belongs to a different department. Now this guy is something to see, and hard to miss with his protruding belly and loudspeaker-like voice. And all he does throughout the 9-hour work day is read the New York Times website, advise people on everything around the sun, ask over-worked people unnecessary general knowledge questions till they are out of polite answers just so he can show the world how much he knows, and show off the photos he has taken with his 80k-rupee DSLR and posted on his blog just so you have the wonderful opportunity to praise his creativity.

As I was saying, being a boss has many, many perks. Sometimes I feel I'm stuck in the wrong job. I should be a boss too.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Life in (not-really) Bullet Points

The other day, my auto-wala got caught by the cop for going the wrong way on a one-way street. I felt bad for the dude -- he did drop me closer to office, but then... I didn't ask him to go that way... he chose to on his own. I just sat tight for the ride.

This morning, my auto-wala dropped me still closer to office. I suspect he was hitting on me... but I can't be sure.

I saw a very ugly cat on the road today.

My office-buddy-cum-colleague is sick. Now is the right time to go tsk-tsk.

There's this bunch of movies that I want to catch:
  • Rock On!!
  • A Wednesaday
  • Tahaan

I don't know when I'm going to get the time. Sigh. There's also an Arabic movie playing at Fame... but that's a lil outta the way.

This is another of those meaningless posts that ramble on.

Wish for the day: A trip to the zoo would be nice.

Wish for the month: Nokia N73... you are going to be mine.

Wish for the year: 120 days -- get over fast!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

My latest story

I would've preferred a lot more editing, but what the hell, it's up finally.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008