Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Sports Day at the School Next Door

The building next to mine is a school, and they have been having their sports day practices for the last one week. It does add some nostalgia to my otherwise wallowing-in-the-present days, but it also makes my days a whole lot noisier. So I end up neglecting work and looking out of the window at these kids on the field doing their "forward march" and "eyes right" and at the smaller kids waving their pom poms to the tunes of Vengaboyz and Aqua (Yes, the music is a little dated).

There is also this horribly annoying teacher who is the compere for the junior sports and she has been rehearsing with the microphone for a long while now. I don't so much mind the noisy kids, but a noisy grown up who keeps saying: "Parents, look at the beautiful costumes your children are wearing as they rush to get makeovers in a race where there are no winners and losers and everybody gets a prize." I appreciate the sentiment, but by now I know her speech by heart.

The kinds of races that the junior school is having include:
Firemen rushing to put of a fire.
Makeover artists speeding to make a record-quick makeover.
Construction workers putting the bricks and cement together to build the fastest house.
Forest rangers trying to be fastest in stopping the tree from falling.

As for me, I always came last in the races at school. There was another girl that came second-last. It did not help matters that I was tall and long-legged and looked like I could take home the gold. So the first few times, people did have expectations. Then they got used to me coming last. All's well that ends well.


Carter said...

"Firemen rushing to put out a fire"...? I have to say that's creative, but uh...what ever happened to the good ol' 100 m dash? lol

Indeterminacy said...

The new curriculum is symbolic of our current times: work work work until you burn out. We live across from a school too, but since I'm at work, I never hear how loud the children are.

P.S. I noticed you added a link to my site (indeterminacy). Thank you very much.

coffee stain said...

i changed 18 schools....and the best-test game i ever played... minus the annual crap was catch and kiss...
the game is self-explanatory... there were 2 groups....guys on one side girls on the other..... beats palyin tag any day.... but then the class teacher spoiled all the fun when she said the next guy to kiss a girl...wud have to kiss her.....there was one brave soul..... but after that no one dared......sigh i was in 2.... i still remem that day.....that too it was my first day at that school.......sigh indian schools e o ei incentive dewa uchit...

Indeterminacy said...

P.S. I added a link back to you. It's the least I can do - you have a very nice blog.

Dyaus Spes said...

Sport... I remeber in what sports I was good at. It was Gilli-Danda, and Hide-n-seek. :D

dreamy said...

I've kinda been feeling somewhat similar sentiments.

I go to a college which has a school attached to it. [!?].

Anyway, so yah, the school has its sports day ahead and the ground is pretty much being used to that effect.

Only thing is, you watch the stuff from your work, and I watch it through the college canteen windows :D

ps:I stood last in races too.

coffee stain said...

oh i kicked ass in hide and seek.... and the best times with H-n-S was in the rain!

Dyaus Spes said...


Or may be NIGHT.

~Moo-lah Buz!nezzz~ said...

So the first few times, people did have expectations. Then they got used to me coming last. All's well that ends well.....

Damn,you do come up with some nice statements!!

Madhurima said...

we had a sack race in junior school...that was fun...but these seem to b really really fun!! wish i cud participate!

Llama said...

@ Carter
These are the pre-junior sports (if i can call it that). 100 m dashes are a l'il old fashioned i guess.

@ Indeterminacy
Burn out is all too common these days.
PS: Have been stalking your blog for a long time now. I think it's wonderful. And thanks so much for your comment and for linking to me. Made my day! :D

@ Coffee
You did start early :D

@ Dyaus
I dont remember playing gilli-danda.. though I must have. Hide-n-seek always rocked!

@ Dreamy
Sigh.. I miss those college canteen windows. And you really are my soul sister or something. You blog about pests and came last in the races.

@ Moolah
Thankee :D

@ Madhurima
Yes. It looks like a lot of fun. Incidentally, the sports day was today!