Saturday, June 27, 2009

Bad month blues

This has been a terrible month. And its my birthday month also. Things have been so bad, that they can't possibly get very much worse. I'm exhausted to the littlest mitochondriums in my system. I need a 1-month holiday. But my official leaves are soon going to be fucked up completely. And I currently have no money to call my own. Sigh. So much to think about. So much to stress you out. Life at 25 doesn't seem like fun at all.

Welcome to my official quarter-life crisis.

On the bright side, at least my favourite season is here.


~Moo-lah Buz!nezzz~ said...
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Pranaadhika Sinha Devburman - Bat said...

Sorry to hear that youre going through so much. When it rains, it pours. Hope good things start happening for you soon.


causticji said...

I hate my lysosomes - I can almost feel them burst inside of me. Relax, take it easy - and listen to the song of the same name by Mika off his brilliant debut album while you enjoy your birthday celebrations in the pouring rain!

Madhurima said...
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Dyaus said...

Most of the time we try to think why we are still doing this but conclusively we must do it. Hate it or love it, it is part of your real identity. Fun is a binge you enjoy at weekends but work is the death that creeps into littlest mitochondriums of your system.

Enjoy the weather mate.

If you remember me :D
